Our latest collaboration with the amazing Pete Cromer is undoubtedly one of your (and our) favourites! Along with iconic Aussie animals, this capsule collection celebrates the spirit, joy and magic of Christmas. So we asked Pete 10 questions relating to all things Christmas, and he kindly answered!
1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rank your festive spirit and why?
Oooo, to be honest my Christmas scale changes through the season. It ping pongs around 1-10. I love Christmas time, it’s my Mum’s favourite time of the year too. I rank high on the scale if I am organised. If I leave things to the last minute, like going to shopping centres, I get completely overwhelmed and “bah humbug!” everything.
2. Name three words that best describe Christmas for you
Family, food, laughs.
3. How will you be spending Christmas this year? Do you have any traditions?
My niece is hosting Christmas this year for the first time, which is exciting. Good food and champagne no doubt. Due to family and in-law commitments, my Christmas changes every year so I don’t have any real traditions. I’ll be seeing my twin brother earlier as he and his family are heading away at Christmas, so my Christmas gets spread out over a few weekends.
4. Do you listen to Christmas carols in your studio? If so, which one is always on your playlist?
Yes, they get played. Good old Bing Crosby and Dean Martin. Slow going and a nice musical change of pace to wind down the year. And Mariah of course.
5. Is there a holiday movie or special at this time of year you watch over and over again?
Elf, The Grinch, Home Alone and Die Hard. Love ‘em.
6. What is the most memorable Christmas present you’ve ever received?
I was gifted a 72 piece Derwent watercolour pencil set when I was a kid and lost my mind, I still have it, although some pencils are worn down to nothing and I’ve misplaced a few. I’ve drawn soooooo many things with that set!
7. If you were Santa Claus, what type of cookie would you want to be left out for you on Christmas Eve?
I am Santa! I’m fat and jolly. I would have to sample them all. I do love a good Kingston or Monte Carlo, but all the cookies would be fantastic.
8. If you could travel anywhere for Christmas, where would you go?
Anywhere that snows. Just to experience it once, although I love a summer Christmas here in Australia.
9. Do you set any New Year’s Resolutions?
Yes, I do. It’s always a big list compiled of both small and big tasks. There was a covid spanner that derailed a few of them this year, but I will carry them over to 2021.
10. What exciting projects are you looking forward to in 2021?
I have some big, BIG projects coming out next year…that I’m sworn to secrecy on. Typical! I’ll be focused on creating new artworks and exhibitions and looking forward to travel, if I can. :)